Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Makroekonomi - Bab 2 [episod satu]

[notakaki] Assalamualaikum dear fellas or to be more precise, fellow juniors. Korang punye STPM Semester Dua - duaribu empatbelas memang dah dekat selekoh sangat, kan? I am trying to speed up progressing on notes in this blog. Harap dapat membantu korang. Kalau tak banyak, harap dapat bantu sikit-sikit. Kalau notes ni tak beneficial sekarang, semoga bermanfaat untuk masa akan datang.. mana tau repeat. heheh. ooopss, mohon mulut ni tak masin n.n" *do click those mind-map images above to enlarge image*

Anyway.. this, will be continued In shaa Allah as soon as possible.


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