Nutrient -->
:: chemical substances that are required by all living cells.
Nutrient used as -->
:: energy sources
:: ingredients for synthesis of other compound
:: building blocks in growth and repairing tissues
Nutrition -->
:: process of taking in food, digesting it, and utilising the absorb nutrients to obtain energy
There are 2 types of nutrition -->
:: autotrophs
:: heterotrophs
:: Organism that carry autotrophic nutrition.
:: Able to manufacture nutrients ; lipids, carbohydrates, proteins ; from inorganic substances
with the help of light energy.
:: Divided into 2 groups ; PHOTOautotrophs and CHEMOautotrophs
:: Organism which carry out hetetrophic nutrition.
:: Not able to manufacture nutrients by thei own self.
:: Rely on ready-made food in other organism.
:: Can be classify into ; HOLOZOIC nutrition, SAPROPHYTISM, PARASITISM.
Friday, June 11, 2010

rite now is 1:25 am...
rasanye mcm quite long gk mse yg ak ambil utk edit n manage blog just now.. hax2~ kalaw x, xkn la sampai kebas ak dudok ne haa...
my initial plan, ingtkn nk smbung usya YAB ep 11.. tp da puas search kt u-tube.., xdek pon... + lk mlm ne, tenet slow s'mcm.. bkk soju, bkn nye bg kejesame sgt... setelah berusaha tnpa mngenal erti putus asa search bnyk kali.., at last.. ak amek keputusan tok manage blog jelaa.. akibat rse fed-up x dpt tgk cite YAB... seb baek ak jenis yg tabah n tk kempunan sgt whwn work on sumtin'.. so x la meraung ble x dpt ape yg d'plan.. redha je...
ape2pon, hrp esok sumenye oke b'same2 dgn tenet yg laju agr ak bole m'nonton dlm keadaan hepisenanghati :)
p.s. GTG... nk g supper dgn umi ku <3
rite now is 1:25 am...
rasanye mcm quite long gk mse yg ak ambil utk edit n manage blog just now.. hax2~ kalaw x, xkn la sampai kebas ak dudok ne haa...
my initial plan, ingtkn nk smbung usya YAB ep 11.. tp da puas search kt u-tube.., xdek pon... + lk mlm ne, tenet slow s'mcm.. bkk soju, bkn nye bg kejesame sgt... setelah berusaha tnpa mngenal erti putus asa search bnyk kali.., at last.. ak amek keputusan tok manage blog jelaa.. akibat rse fed-up x dpt tgk cite YAB... seb baek ak jenis yg tabah n tk kempunan sgt whwn work on sumtin'.. so x la meraung ble x dpt ape yg d'plan.. redha je...
ape2pon, hrp esok sumenye oke b'same2 dgn tenet yg laju agr ak bole m'nonton dlm keadaan hepisenanghati :)
p.s. GTG... nk g supper dgn umi ku <3
World Date

whoa!!! setelah t'masyuk dgn citer U're Beautiful make, BOF d'tolak ketepi sikit...
td rindu yg menghilang, kembali lg setelah melihat wajah hero kesayangan d'kaca TV...
KIM BUM dlm World date wif KIM BUM kerana meraikan diri die yg da jd celeb 4 tujuh ton dlm Korea tu...
a the result, 5 girls dr negara2 yg berbeza (fans die ahh) tlh d'invite utk adekn date <3
"How sweet.. !!
p.s. He's so tall... mybe dulu sbb Lee Min Ho is the tallest, so die tk kelihatan begitu tinggi.. but just now i watch him, the truth was revealed!!
his killer smile alwayz the best smile ever!!!
As a sis
as a sis start tis blog wif BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM
Q: sala ke seorang kakak menegur seorang adik yg sala??
A: mybe sala kalau c adik alwayz think she didn't cmmit wrong ol day long..
Q: Macam mane nk bg my younger sis sedar tat I tegor her is 4 her gud future..? She's to addict to
sumthin yg melalaikan n she can't survive.... LAGHA~
A: I sendiri tk tw... she got a stone type of heart... so KERAS
Q:I sayang der...
A: so??? Where's the question??
Q: Sala ke I mara adik I yg bersala??
A: Mybe tak.. absolutely tk.... Kalau der bersala, u berhak mara der....
K: HUHHH... she put less respek towards me... both of us sme degil je...
A: ikot korang la...
*Q: Question
*A: Answer
*K: Kenyataan
P.s. She keep avoidin me when both of us not in a good mood.... she put less respek towards me tat make me upset thinking abot it... she is my younger sis, 2nd daughter after me.. she suppose to hear what i'm saying or at least didn't higher her voice when talking to me. We suppose to be close.. as close as d' kuku n jari.. Hailah... She keep be mad to me at the end of my teguran bcoz she claimed tat I'm too much nagging...
There's a time tat I wish she could talk to me as friendly and happily as she did to all her beloved friends and mate..
as the eldest sis in my family.., I'm stuck between my private t8 care of her or just be honest n told my mother abot her activity tat TOO MUCH ADDICT manage blog, bloggers, n blogging. Perhaps, if my mother know my sis addict case, she'll ban the usage of internet.. and fo sure i don't want tat happen.. tats y i keep tis secret till now n crazy being a sis as i believe i could handle everythin'...
being a sis is not as easy as i thought
not in a good atmosphere by a sis
tis heart hurt bcoz she tossed me away when she's mad toward me
Q: sala ke seorang kakak menegur seorang adik yg sala??
A: mybe sala kalau c adik alwayz think she didn't cmmit wrong ol day long..
Q: Macam mane nk bg my younger sis sedar tat I tegor her is 4 her gud future..? She's to addict to
sumthin yg melalaikan n she can't survive.... LAGHA~
A: I sendiri tk tw... she got a stone type of heart... so KERAS
Q:I sayang der...
A: so??? Where's the question??
Q: Sala ke I mara adik I yg bersala??
A: Mybe tak.. absolutely tk.... Kalau der bersala, u berhak mara der....
K: HUHHH... she put less respek towards me... both of us sme degil je...
A: ikot korang la...
*Q: Question
*A: Answer
*K: Kenyataan
P.s. She keep avoidin me when both of us not in a good mood.... she put less respek towards me tat make me upset thinking abot it... she is my younger sis, 2nd daughter after me.. she suppose to hear what i'm saying or at least didn't higher her voice when talking to me. We suppose to be close.. as close as d' kuku n jari.. Hailah... She keep be mad to me at the end of my teguran bcoz she claimed tat I'm too much nagging...
There's a time tat I wish she could talk to me as friendly and happily as she did to all her beloved friends and mate..
as the eldest sis in my family.., I'm stuck between my private t8 care of her or just be honest n told my mother abot her activity tat TOO MUCH ADDICT manage blog, bloggers, n blogging. Perhaps, if my mother know my sis addict case, she'll ban the usage of internet.. and fo sure i don't want tat happen.. tats y i keep tis secret till now n crazy being a sis as i believe i could handle everythin'...
being a sis is not as easy as i thought
not in a good atmosphere by a sis
tis heart hurt bcoz she tossed me away when she's mad toward me
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