Monday, August 2, 2010

KREDIT to U :)

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Second place.

from :: syiqa's belog

kredit to syiqa... my best production manager.. stay happy k :)

"Second place.
But it's okay, it is not the recognition that we wanted... aite guys?
Yes, of course we're a lil bit dissapoited. But personally, I think we've won big in different ways.
It has been very exciting working with my mates. Classmates. As for me, I think this drama had somehow change my perception towards school... maybe? I mean, yeah I hate this school in soooo many aspects, but hey, doing this drama with you guys was not that bad at all!

Yes, I admit there's some "conflicts" here and then, but... how can I put this eh? It's been terrific! I've never seen our "putra" and "putri" worked so hard together. Kan best kalau selalu macam ni? :)

To our marvelous actors - Afiq, Taufiq, Fattah, Najibudin, Ashaari, Akbar and Fitri , sebagai salah seorang daripada ahli kelas 4 Rusyd *ehem2*, I'm very proud of all of you! And I'm sure that the rest of the class feel the same too :D
Fattah did a great job on the "sobbing part", Afiq pulak... tak sia-sia aku tegur ko banyakk kali time rehearsel, haha. Taufiq pulak, memang tak payah cakaplah kan, ko memang menyerlah dengan watak Crouch tu. And Percy, terima kasih sebab sanggup pakai seluar ala-ala pink itu!

For the flashback actors, Acha and Fitri, you guys make that particular scene tu "menjadi". Hehe, tak ramai orang pandai berlakon tanpa skrip kan? :) Akbar, I'm very impressed! Terima kasih kerana sanggup pakai baju itu yer :)

Location managers, especially Eizah. Tanpa kau, aku tak raser kiter sume dapat rehearse kat dewan sampai 3-4 kali. Kan? Terima kasih juga sebab sungguh-sungguh cari mic untuk our actor :)

Runners. All runners, you guys did a fabulous job! Yang naik kat atas tu, yang jadi train, yang jadi lampu, yang jadi buttons, also, our narrator, our technical team (ade ke technical team? Hehe, sape-sape yang belek-belek mic tu la), in short, sumer runners, best sangat working with you guys.

Directors , even Fasyaz and Wan Syeh kadang-kadang tak dapat datang or datang sekejap-sekejap, tapi still... the most important thing is, they gave out their best and they worked their heart out on the competition day tau!

And of course, tak luper jugak our Mr Producer yang... agak garang jugak, somehow a little bit scary. Haha. Tapi kalau die tak garang, I dont think the actors akan buat betul2, en? So, a big thank you to Faisal also. Tahun depan memang patut jadi KP ko ni, garang sungguh. Hoho~

Last but not least, a very big thank you also extended to the teachers yang sanggup "menggadaikan" waktu2 PNP mereka just to let us rehease :)

To all 4 Rusyd members, it's been fantastic working with you guys. Like I said, kite memang the best! Lantakla ape orang lain cakap, I still think we're the best.

Form 4, congrats untuk kiter semua yer. It doesn't matter whether we won or not, it's the ukhuwwah that counts *winks* :)

Lepas ni takder rehearsel dah
takder buat-buat props ke ape dah
sedih pulak :("

thanks so much syiqa :: TERHARU HABISAN ak membaca her latest enty just now :)

GULP // GASP *unfotunately


kelihatannya seperti semakin bertambah entri sedih aku.. :(
i've just received call from syiqa..
she told me that our drama mendapat tempat ke - 2 over 5
perhaps.. QUITE dissappoiting
or.. maybe, to be fully, trully TRUTH


as I said in my previous entri..,
kita merancang,
Allah jualah yg menentukan

so, what more can we expect to react, after all

terpaksa terima dgn hati yg terbuka.. Bukankah itu yg sepatutnye???
it's already written n InsyaAllah, ade la tu hikmah nye *sobing

emh... sekadar information :-
the best actor came to Hasnol Hadi (4 Ghaza)


>< Congrate to Hadi n kls 4 Ghazali.. (u all won the first place)

p.s. TIMES UP ZAH!!!! got to go... :( however it is, papehal pon, praises to Allah... it's still top 3.. Ho3~ 'cheer up, it might be sunny tomorrow'

baby's story


seryesly n tidak berdusta...
i've a lot to tell n i've spent quite long time planning tis stuff..
but, mungkin kerana tidak diizin kn Allah,
apa yg d'plan tidak dapat d'realisasikn..

ya know, kita (manusia) merancang,
Allah jualah yg menetukan nya...

pg td, sy telah terbaca
di belog seseorang ; juge tumblr seseorang mengenai satu artikel yg sgt2 menyentuh perasaan syselaku Allah's slave di muka bumi ini..
it is an articel abot an abortion...

but in a form of a story telling by the one been aborted ; baby
my gosh!! >< sad3!!! TT_TT

however it is.., sy ingt nk copy past to my belog
nk bg readers baca artikel tu in my belog
unfortunately, the beloggerz doesn't allows 'copy paste' on her belog..
huhu~ frankly speaking, its make me to a greater sad :(

ape bole bt.... (?)

moral of the entri :-

We're now surround by maksiyyat, gejala sosial, gejala negatif around us.. perkara2 baik juga semakin terasing dan pengabdian diri kpd ALLAH swt (bg muslimin muslimat) semakin memudar.. inisiatif2 pentarbiahan islami dan moral dlm diri insan2 masa kini bagai kan telur di hujung tanduk ; bagai retak menanti belah.
As a human being, kita dikurniakan perasaan dan akal utk berfikir...

abortion of baby adlh slh satu dr berjuta-juta lg perkara2 // gejala2 negatif yg terjadi (di Malaysia, khususnya) n also an effect of zina (Zina yg diharamkan dan ditegah keras oleh Allah Azza Wa Jalla)

think about it deeply..,
tak tersentuh kah kita melihat semakin ramai bayi dibuang // janin dibiarkan di mana2??

think about it rasionally,
tidak gusarkah kita, kerana kita juga mempunyai kebarangkalian melakukan tindakan serupa seandainya tidak mendekatkan diri dgn Allah, beribadah, and learning about our own religion all our heart??

fikir2 kn laaa..
May Allah bless us