Thursday, February 9, 2023

It is always hard to leave a good place

It is always hard to leave a good place. 

But oftentimes, people are leaving anyway hoping that a better place awaits. 

Ditemukan dengan rakan sekerja, majikan yang baik-baik adalah azam (I wrote it as doa in my notebook) tahun lepas. Hendak bekerja sehingga satu tahun lamanya juga turut ditulis sebagai azam (sebab jarang dapat stay lama bila melibatkan ketidakpastian skim kontrak ni, hence the prayers). 

Alhamdulillah. I hope it is not too much to claim that my prayers are heard and granted. Ngam-ngam pada awal Januari 2022 dapat kerja di BTM. Memang baik-baik semuanya dari persekitaran kerja sehinggalah ke warga kerjanya juga. What is the odd in meeting good coworkers, seniors and bosses? The chances are slim. Lebih-lebih lagi setelah one traumatic working experience in 2021. Especially when people these days are under pressure of meeting goals and performances. or probably dek pengalaman kerja aku sendiri yang tak seberapa ada menjadikan diri sendiri sedikit pesimis. Professionalism might even kills the courtesy, ngl. But alhamdulillah all over again, this working experience of mine, at this place, this time turned out to be a good one.

Seksyen yang baru, guided by ketua seksyen terpaling berpengalaman dalam jabatan. Very insightful, charismatic while in the same time approachable enough dengan anak buah. Mother-like gitu. As soon as in the first week of working, I got to be included to celebrate her birthday together with the whole section. Masa tu la getting all these positive impression (proven over time) terhadap semua orang. What I saw is courtesy and consideration being practiced despite all the working efficiency alike. 

Dapat desk-mate yang I would consider a soulmate kalau dia lelaki means we really did click along especially from my POV. Heh. We will never run out topic to discuss. Be it academically, or gossips alike. Dia punya brainstorm tu memang level otw buat Phd lol. I keep no secrets with her, as much as I could recall. Apa-apa cerita je di rumah memang ended up akan terluah muntah jugak. A different kind of transparency and chemistry from how I have it with colleagues from either degree days or during schools. Shout out to Anis Hamizah for all the times we spent while working together. It is a pleasant one which I hope she feels no less than me too (fingers crossed). I am fortunate that we somehow  were accepted and came into BTM in pairing. Imagine if not, aku yang canggung ni memang tak ke mana lah sampai ke sudah. 

Aku rasa tempat ni memang very takdir-like. Magical gitu. Not that it is perfect. But beautiful enough to recall to. over all, I ought to see this place as to where I rebound after  teruk kerja mystep syarikat sendirian-berhad sebelumnya. A rebound for my lonely loveless life juga because I met him here. I literally just came in to meet some new strangers with kind heart (new knowledge input is bonus) and meeting my jodoh (in shaa Allah) before moving out and growing again. January-February last year was actually especially rough. Perhaps because of the emotional distress I got from tempat lama in 2020, I was somehow ttiber feeling lost pulak. Centulah. Thus this place has done its healing part on me.

Long story short, esok dah hari terakhir bekerja. Alhamdulillah untuk 1 tahun, 1 bulan dan 10 hari yang baik-baik. Dalam rasa syukur, sesungguhnya lebih rasa berat rasa hati. Semoga orang baru di tempat baru nantipun baik-baiklah macam yang di tempat lama ini, hendaknya. Anxious (sangat) sebenarnya. Moga boleh bagi yang terbaik dan saling berbagi nilai seperti diniatkan. Moga menjadi rezeki; kerja baru yang berkat, kenalan baru yang welcoming, membantu dan baik hati budi serta ilmu baru yang manfaat. Fuhh aamiinkanlah banyak-banyak kali. 

It is a good place, because of it's good people. 

P.s. I am so sorry that I am still lacking in so many ways throughout the year while working here. Takdan nak kenal semua dan tidak helok mana juga. Tak rasa macam disukai semuapun. Hanya banyak menuai baik budi dan tunjuk ajar dari orang lain. Semoga semua yang baik-baik Allah balaskan dengan berganda-ganda lagi kebaikan di sisi-NYA. 

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